The Golani Unit: Israels Finest Psychopaths
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Golanis sobbing after Dan Halutz declared victory in Lebanon
(Pic Credit: BBC Arabic ?)
During Israel's recent war against Lebanon, one of the first units sent into Lebanon were the Golani, reported by the commercial, pro-Israel media as an “elite” unit. This “elite” unit is the one which was repeatedly run out of Bint Jbeil in southern Lebanon by the Hezbollah. The truth about the Golanis is very different from what they are said to be. In the year 2000, before the IDF was given the bum rush out of Lebanon, 6 soldiers commited suicide over a short succession. One of the reasons given for this tragedy was the commanding 'artistry' of Gabi Ashkenazi, commander of this unit.
With this report, I want to show the real faces of the Israeli soldiers, especially the Golani, which I saw during my 23 years of work as a journalist. The faces of the Israeli soldiers I saw in Hebron during all those years were consistently those of weak, coward psychopaths. I remember these soldiers, their names, their faces, their criminal and sadistic actions. I have documented everything in photos and videos. I have written lots about these soldiers, their officers and units in the past.
Historical brief about Golani Unit

David Ben-Gurion, organizer of ethnic cleansing
and instigator of Genocide.
The IDF Golani unit was formed on 28 February 1948 by orders of David Ben-Gurion. It was the first unit involved in the Al-Nakba crimes, in the murdering and terrorizing Palestinians on a massive scale. From 1949-1950, the Golani unit was led by war criminal and psychopathic murderer Ariel Sharon.
In order to understand who the Golani are, we also need to look at the most notorious commander of the unit, Ariel Sharon.

War Criminal Sharon in 1966
Who is Sharon? Sharon was a member of the terror gang “Hagana” and commander of the Alexandroni death squad. He was wounded at the Latrun battle near Jerusalem during Al-Nakba, the so-called “Jewish war of independence”. 1951-1952 Sharon was appointed as a spy officer of the occupational northern Central Command. 1953 In Summer of 1953 he established the death-squad-like Unit 101, a group of psychopaths who Sharon trained to be even more proficient as killers, and imbued in them the concept that they were above and beyond any kind of moral restraints and they should destroy the Palestinian towns over the head of the people. Under the leadership of Sharon, Unit 101 perpetrated on October 1953 the first massacre against the Palestinian civilians of Qybia, a village north-east of Jerusalem, killing hundreds of women, children and elderly Palestinians. 1954-1955 Sharon was a commander in the war against Egypt, the “Sinai War”. 1966 During the Six Days War, Sharon was a commander of the armored division which stormed the main Egyptian force. Sharon reached the Suez Canal and murdered all the Egyptian prisoners who were captured by his soldiers. 1977 As Minister of Housing, Sharon invented the illegal settlements for Jewish squatters in the West Bank. From now on, any Jew anywhere in the world was just the price of a bullet away from “his” land. The price of a bullet to the head of the original Palestinian owner, that is. 1981-1983 Minister for War under Menahem Begin. He engineered the massacres of Sabra and Shatila on the 19th September 1982. He not only authorized the murder of thousands of Palestinian refugees by the Lebanese militias allied with Israel, but protected their actions and tried to cover up this crime against humanity. 1990-1992 The father of the illegal Jewish squatter settlements in the West Bank, the Minster of Housing projects of building the Jewish settlements in Palestine. Later, until January, 2006 Makes a political comeback as head of the Likud. Becomes Prime minister. Suffers a massive cerebral bleeding and falls in coma. Is replaces by Olmert. Suspicions abound that Sharon's illness was induced by radical elements of the Israeli political scene, who regarded him as a hindrance to their more ambitious plans for a “Greater Israel”. |

An older Sharon among friends on his stolen ranch
The Leaders of the Golani Unit
Moshe Mann, Mishael Shaham, Nahum Golan. These were also the commanders responsible for various massacres in Palestinian towns and cities during and after the Nakhba, the Palestinian Holocaust.
1956 ...
Colonel Benjamin Gibli. Commander at the battle for Rafah; captured the Egyptians who Sharons psychos would murder later. He had previously served as director of the Israeli Military Intelligence.
Colonel Yona Efrat commanded the Golani murderers during in the Six Day War. He was involved in surrounding Palestinian civilians in West Beirut and then murdering them. Through an assault on Syrian positions in the Golan Heights on June 9, 1967, he succeeded in capturing and murdering Syrians around Tel Azaziat.

War Criminal Gabi Ashkhenazi
Gabi Ashkenazi is a former Deputy Chief of the General Staff in charge of murdering and ethnically cleansing Palestinians.

War Criminal Yair Naveh
Yair Naveh was the Commander of the Brigade along the border with Lebanon, and 1999-2001, Commander of Golani Unit. Naveh is in charge of the Central Command for murdering Palestinians, destroying their homes, confiscating their lands, building and increasing the Jewish settlements in the Middle of the “West Bank” area.

War Criminal Moshe Kaplinski
Major General Moshe Kaplinsky, The General of destruction of the civilians in Palestine. He graduated of murdering in the U.S.A.
A short timeline on Kaplinski: 1976: enlisted into the Golani psycho Brigade. 1982: appointed Commander of the Golani Reconnaissance and destruction Unit. 1985: appointed Commander of the Gideon Battalion within in the Golani psychos. 1993: appointed Commander of the Golani criminals Brigade. March 2005: appointed to the position of Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Genocide and collective destruction of Palestinian civilians. |

War Criminal Meir Klifi
Maj. Gen. Meir Klifi, another psychopathic Commander of the Golanis. In 2006, he was appointed the head of the IDF for genocide, murder and destruction in Gaza.

War Criminal Shmuel Zakai
(Pic Credit: Ha'Aretz)
(Pic Credit: Ha'Aretz)
Brigadier-General Shmuel Zakai was a Commander of the Golani infantry brigade.
1981-1994: Zakai served various positions with the psychos of the Golani Brigade, up to battalion commander.
2002-2004: Zakai was appointed Commander of the IDF for the destruction in Gaza
War criminal Shmuel Zakai is a Commander well known for the destruction of Palestinian homes and agricultural lands. He directed all the attacks on Palestinian areas in Gaza, including "Operation Rainbow" directed against Rafah in southern Gaza (May 2004) and "Operation Days of Penitence" against the northern Gaza Strip (October 2004). Zakai was fired from his post as a military commander in November 2004 by order of former Chief of psychopaths, the genocidal destructor Moshe Ya'alon. This was after Zakai had reported to the media that the IDF wanted to end the operations in Gaza. Zakai was probably not enough of a psycho for Israeli standards.

War Criminal Moshe "Chico" Tamir
Brigadier General Moshe “Chico” Tamir is the current war criminal in command of the Golani psychos, the engineer of the Jenin and Qana2 massacres. This is the war criminal who enacted the “Defensive Shield” military operation in the West Bank, were 1800 Palestinian civilians were arrested and over 400 were killed. Tamir is also the asocial in charge of building the so-called "separation wall".
Currently, war criminal Moshe Tamir is lecturing on the lessons which the IDF has learned from their current rash of terrorist actions against Palestinians in the refugee camps of Jenin, Nablus, Tul Karm, Ramallah, and Gaza City. Under Tamir the IDF soldiers developed a unique system of ethnic cleansing for taking control, among other tactics, and moving from house to house by cutting through the walls, bombing the houses of innocent civilians over their heads in order to avoid hurting his poor criminal soldiers. When the Golanis advance from house to house through the walls in this way, they destroy anything in their path, beat up and mistreat anybody in their way. When they occupy a house to use it as a base, they usually lock up the whole family living in the house in one room for periods which can span weeks.
Experience with the Golani Criminals during my work as Journalist

Golanis in Hebron - Manly when shooting at women and children
The worse soldiers I met and observed in the West Bank during my career were the Golanis with their brown berets. They were and are the ‘Shock troops’. Never did I see these soldiers without mistreating, capturing and torturing Palestinian residents of my home city of Hebron. Never did I meet a Golani soldier and did pass safe by their side. They always shouted insults like “whore, bitch, witch…” at me. Then they would call the Israeli police to enjoy the end of their sadistic actions. This was the only way to evacuate me by force from my own city so I did not see and report about their criminal actions against the innocent civilians.

The manly Shay Sandori ordering me away
I still remember how the Israeli soldiers Shay Sandori and Ofer Rosnblom caused the death of Palestinian child Abu Ayyash from the Beit Umar village near Hebron. I still have all the images of Golani soldiers feces and urine on my rooftop. They were the ugly criminals who prevented Fatimah Al-Alol from giving birth in the Hospital of Hebron. She delivered in the street near a checkpoint and lost her child. Some past articles about the Golani are here and here and here.

Kill - Just Do It ! Golanis harassing a Palestinian in Hebron
There is no way to forget these soldiers and their cruel actions. Even today the nightmares of the Golani soldiers still attack me during sleep. Through my experience in the area of the conflict in Palestine I know much about the Israeli troops. I know much about Golani soldiers. They are all psychopaths, criminals, drug dealers who hide themselves behind a military uniform and derive their power from the weapons which they carry. Still then, armed to the teeth and before a defenseless civilian population, they are full of fear, cowards second to none.
Cowards and Thieves, but Sweethearts !

Golani Inspection Tour in Hebron. From left: a squad officer,
the Golani Commander for Hebron, two IDF sweethearts
the Golani Commander for Hebron, two IDF sweethearts
I always read the symptoms of weakness in the faces of the Golanis. I remember always seeing the fear in their eyes. They were always ready to shoot, their fingers fixed on the trigger their rifles. During the curfew and during normal days, these soldiers walk in groups, two soldiers should always walk behind, looking in the opposite direction. I always commented on these symptoms of scare and asked them “What are you doing in Hebron? Go back to Tel-Aviv instead of being scared all the time here”.

More Inspection Tour: From left some Golanis, the two officers joking about me, and right
of them is Aviv, the personal assistant and boyfriend of the military commander of Hebron
of them is Aviv, the personal assistant and boyfriend of the military commander of Hebron
During the night the scare increased among these elite Israeli soldiers stationed throughout Hebron. The Palestinian children used to gather cats, hang bells on their necks and then let them loose in groups on the streets and the tunnels of the old city of Hebron in the middle of night. Soon, heavy shooting from everywhere in Hebron would break out at the same moment. The scared soldiers were shoting the cats. The fear of the “terrorist” occupied their hearts, their thoughts and their feelings. In Hebron there were over 5000 of Israeli soldiers spread in heart of the old city. They would all shoot at the same moment. The IDF troops react to each other with their shooting. Like dogs barking and howling in the night, who echo and respond to each other in kind, the Israeli soldiers, upon hearing a shot somewhere, would start shooting at anything, for hours or for the whole night, or until they had no more ammunition left.
The fear of the troops is also present among the officers. One of the military commanders of Hebron, Colonel Weinberg, was stationed in Lebanon for a long time in southern Lebanon before doing duty in Hebron. A soldier who was stationed in Lebanon together with him in Lebanon told me that Weinberg had once provoked a road accident: He lost control over the jeep he was driving because of his fear.
During the last war against Lebanon, western media noted with consternation that the poor IDF had no supplies and were, because of this, enjoined by high Israeli officers to steal whatever they needed from Lebanese homes and shops. This is nothing new. In fact, all IDF soldiers but especially the Golani and the Border Police would regularly steal anything they could lay their hand on, and also help the local jewish squatters to break open shops during curfews, curfews which were often prolongued in order to allow these combined gangs of squatters and soldiers to ransack Palestinian property at lease.
“What do you know about Golani Soldiers?”
This is the title of one of my reports which angered the IDF headquarter very much. The former central commander of genocide in the middle area, Moshe Ya'alon, gave a military order forbidding the IDF soldiers to talk with journalists. Danor Mizrahi from the Golani unit and former spokesperson of Ya'alon tried to find out the names of the IDF soldiers who had talked to me in my report. I remember that I told him “I don’t have further information for you beyond that what I had published in my report”.

A Golani at a checkpoint showing his manliness to a boy about 12 y/o
Succintly, the Golani Unit is the IDFs receptacle for the refuse of Israeli society. Here is the testimony from an Israeli soldier from the Paratroopers:
“The IDF command is the only one who decides in which unit we will serve in army. Of course, they asked us which unit we would prefer to join the military. Then we have to make some level tests, mathematics, religion, psychology, language … then we have to answer all the necessary questions about our education at school, which school we attended. Also, some questions about our family, parents, their level of education, in which units they served in the army, if we had family; then we had to answer further questions about our childhood, the people who take care of us, … if our parents came from another country, then we have to give even more information about this and that, and… According the results of all these tests and this questioning, the commander decides in which unit we can join the army. At the end, all the Israelis who did not pass the tests with a certain minimum needed to join any other unit would automatically be assigned to the Golani Unit. In general, they send the psychopaths, the poor, the orphans, the Israelis who live in the small towns, the immigrants the illiterates, people with mental problems, drug and alcohol abusers, people with criminal records and homosexuals to the Golani. It is forbidden for anyone who comes from a Bedouin family or who is an orphan or comes from the small villages to join the Air Force or the paratroopers. Each unit has it own principles.” |

War Criminal Dan Halutz (not a Golani), the IDF Commander,
who lost the last war against Lebanon on the field but won it at the stock exchange.
posted by الفــ العربي ــارس @ 6:17 AM,